5 Reasons Manufacturers Use a Duracell OEM Battery in Their Devices

High performance is a baseline for consumer electronics. If you’re making any type of OEM battery-powered product, functionality is front and centre.

If you're an OEM manufacturer, the batteries you use can make or break your brand reputation.

Duracell OEM batteries work to improve the quality, productivity, and efficiency of your products.

For starters, they have higher capacity, sometimes having double and even triple the capacity of other batteries.

Without further ado, we bring you the reasons why manufacturers use Duracell OEM in their products.

What Is an OEM Battery? 

OEM stands for “Original Equipment Manufacturer” and is used in different industries to denote different concepts linked to styles of product manufacturing. Many people are thus confused by the term.

An OEM battery is a battery that comes packaged together with an electronic device.

If you come across the label "OEM, not for retail sale" you’ll be looking at one such battery. For example, Duracell OEM cells and regular Duracell cells are exact lookalikes, other than this label.

But what does this mean?

Unlike non-OEM or the 3rd party batteries which you find available in the market, OEM batteries are directly supplied by a device manufacturer.

This carries weight for the consumer (and thus for the manufacturer). They're reassured that by the time a battery reaches them it will have been:

  • Quality checked
  • Authorised 
  • Covered by a warranty

What’s In It for Manufacturers? 5 Benefits of Using Duracell OEM in Their Products

It Lets Their Brand Stand for Quality